
The perfect ATV rider kit

The perfect ATV rider kit


Table des matières

An ATV trunk is a bit like a woman’s purse: it is always filled to the top, and its contents give a good idea of the habits and the type of activities being performed by its owner. However, despite the differences in activities that are done by people, a certain number of objects should be common for everyone. So let’s try to make an exhaustive list: 

The essentials :

  • Mandatory documents to bring with you: driver’s license, vehicle registration, insurance certificate, trail membership card (FQCQ card, ZEC, etc.)

Emergency repairs:

Because machines are not infallible (we know that yours never breaks, but for those of your companions …):

  • A set of tire repair plugs and a 12V air compressor: a tire puncture always comes at the worst time
  • A tire air pressure gauge (low pressure);
  • Some spare fuses;
  • A toolbox containing wrenches, multi-tipped screwdrivers (don’t forget the Torx tips), pliers, a circuit tester, X-Acto knife, electrical tape, Vise-Grip type pliers, adjustable wrench;
  • Jumper booster cables (you noticed that modern ATV do not have a recoil starter, right?);
  • The McGiver kit: zip ties, rubber “Bungie” elastic straps, gray duct tape, a roll of hare snare wire, and black electrical tape (with this kit, you will be able to make emergency repairs in 95% of unforeseen situations);
  • A few pieces of electric wires;
  • A tow rope (to be used when all the group’s mechanical skills are overwhelmed);

The perfect ATV rider kit

The Wood-runner kit:

We regularly venture deep into the forest and sometimes unforeseen obstacles arise around the bend of the trail. The following equipment will be useful to overcome small setbacks:

  • A sharp hatchet in its sheath;
  • A pruning saw or small handsaw: to cut a tree or a large branch that has fallen on the path. To be easy to use, the tool must offer a good grip;
  • A machete: useful for those who like to be in the brush;
  • A small army-style folding shovel: we know that you will not make a drainage trench, but it will allow you to smooth the side of a runoff ditch to cross it;
  • An LED flashlight because it is more robust than those with bulbs and, very important detail, it will last much longer with the same batteries;
  • A compass and a map of the sector where you are riding for the purists, or a GPS for the more tech-savvy.
  • Personal comfort and clothing – here are some items not to be overlooked for your comfort:
  • An effective rain suit: this is still an unresolved debate because the effectiveness of a rain suit in an intense storm situation is always uncertain before testing it in real life, but polyurethane raincoats and pants look appropriate. A pair of neoprene gloves will complete the rain gear;
  • Warm clothes: woolen socks, a pair of gloves, a warm sweater;
  • A bag of wet wipes to clean your face from trail dust;
  • A roll of toilet paper in a plastic bag (probably one of the most important thing to bring in the woods, I’m sure you agree …);
  • A few bottles of water.

The perfect ATV rider kit

Emergency and survival equipment:

Because sometimes the unthinkable can happen: get injured or get lost in the forest, despite our great wood-runner talents.

  • First Aid kit. Ideally, it should contain the following items: sterile latex or nitrile gloves, sterile adhesive bandages of various sizes, sterile gauze rolls and swabs, elastic tissue bands, adhesive tissue tape, antibiotic ointment, insect bite ointment (After Bite), antiseptic towels, alcohol swabs, Hydrogen Peroxide, tweezers, scissors, safety pins, 1 aluminum survival blanket;
  • A lighter and / or wooden matches in a sealed box;
  • Braided polyethylene transport tarp;
  • 50 foot of yellow 3/8 inch nylon cord.

The nice-to-have:

You won’t die not having those in the trunk, but they will make life much easier:

  • Snack foods (soft Granola bars, nuts, etc.);
  • Spare batteries of each size needed to power the battery-powered devices you bring with you;
  • Garbage bags;
  • A camera to capture an exceptional panoramic site or a meeting with a squirrel who comes to steal your lunch from the luggage rack;
  • Notebook and pencil;
  • A roll of fluorescent tape to mark danger points on the trails.

With this list, you will cover most of the eventualities that could happen to you in the woods. Of course, it can be modified according to your specific activities.